Prayer and worship are two of the most mentioned commands in the Bible. More than anything else GOD calls us to worship and pray to Him. We should all be prayer warriors,standing in the gap for others. Ephesians 6:18 tells us to pray for one another. We are called to pray without ceasing in Galatians 2:20. Even when we don't know what to pray for the spirit will intercede for us Romans 8:26. I think we should all use this means of communicating with the Father to the fullest. JESUS is our example to follow.He prayed for us John 17. JESUS prayed in the morning, at night,when in distress and in times of joy. Isiah 56 speaks of joining ourselves to the Lord,loving Him, and Him making us joyful in prayer! 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us to humble ourselves and turn from our evil ways and GOD will hear us and forgive us and heal our land! God will hear us! Now is the time to bow down and worship the King! JESUS has sacrificed Himself for us! The King is on the throne and He has saved His people! When we praise Him we are recognizing His greatness by worshiping Him, with love, adoration, and submission because of who He is! True worship is giving yourself completely to GOD. Once you come into GOD"S presence and realize His unconditional Love for you the only genuine response is to worship Him. Worship is how you live your life every day. My challenge to you today is to come into His presence in true worship and see how your life will change.